Wednesday, November 14, 2007

assignment 9

1. I think happiness and contentness go hand in hand. If you can be content with yourself, the people around you, and the way that you pass your time this brings you endless satisfaction. I dont think that you should have impossible expectations. Little things can bring you cheer. If you have a life full of love, you are good to go.

2. I define happiness in my life as relaxing, interesting and stress-free. School, money, work etc. can be stressful and time consuming. I am most happy when I can pass the time with my friends joking, being lazy, and laughing. I love doing and learning new things and planning activities. This can be seeing an interesting movie, visiting a museum, or doing a project like making a blanket.

3. My friends bring me the greatest source of happiness. My friends are always there for me when I need them. Soemtimes I think that they know me better than I know myself. We laugh endlessly and die laughing just thinking of some of the things we have done. Laughter makes me happy.

4. I think that family can have the greatest impact on each other's happiness. We live in such close quarters and know each other so well. Because of this sometimes it is too easy to take your anger out on them and take them for granted. Sometimes I will be mean to my mom for no reason and this makes her sad. However, when family gets along it is one of the happiest things of all.

5. My greatest need in life is to be carefree and loved. This comes back to my friends once again. The best friends I can ask for not only love me but share with me a zest for life, adventure, and a "let it be" attitude. I am most happy during the summer because this provides the perfect opportunity to be almost always carefree. Responsibilities like school and homework fall away.


David R said...

I try to be carfree too. When you can live life stress free, then you'll be much happier. That's good.

Dreese said...

I agree with you what said about being happy from the things around you such as friends and family oppossed to material things.

Grace said...

I agree about how family impacts happiness. I think that because families are almost always together, it can make for a lot of tension. However, I do love how families no matter what are always loving and in the end care about happiness.

True said...

i think that you make some good points about what happiness means. You describe how happiness comes about, and I think that being able to detect the source of happiness is important in life.